Sunday, February 04, 2007


Praise the Lord for weekends!! I am thankful that we have a God who considers that sometimes we need "just a bit more time" to get things accomplished and to rest. I am thankful that, when he created the earth, he built in weekends. What a blessing. My most favorite part of weekends is getting to lay in bed for a bit. I love that twice a week, I don't have to jump out of bed at 7 a.m. Twice a week, I can wake up whenever I wake up, and when I do wake up, I have the luxury of just laying in bed for a bit. I can lay there and think about how much I love laying in my comfy bed with all my pillows and my great snuggly sheets and blankets. I can lay there and just enjoy beginning the day; my mind doesn't immediately have to rush to the 100 million things on the "to-do" list for the day. I can lay in bed and praise God for the beautiful day and for who he is and for the fact that for a bit, I can stay in bed!! I cannot tell you how much I value this time. There is very little that I value enough to miss this time for. I hope that when I get married my husband will understand this. Sometimes I just need to lay in bed, you know. Not that I am depressed, or that I am totally exhausted (although sometimes this is the case), it is just my time. I can read, pray, watch tv, sleep, or just think, or even lay there and do nothing but stare at the ceiling. I love the freedom, that all pressure is off, that it is just me and my comfy covers.

I say all of this, because I have been thinking about the whole "be quiet and know that I am God" thing. I have been trying to work on this. My bed is the place where I try most frequently to accomplish this. So, after lounging this morning, I have had a truly productive day. I think that the time I took to rest increased my productivity so much. There is no way I could have gotten all this done, or at least done this well, with such great results without the time to be quiet, to recharge before beginning the day. I hope that you get a chance to do this sometime this week. Have a great day!!


Jennifer Bacak said...

I am 100% envious...I haven't done that in years. Enjoy it while you can. But there is something really great about waking up on the weekends to little feet jumping into bed with you and snuggling in. Just great in a TOTALLY different way!

Amanda said...

Enjoy the little while they are there, because eventually they will be where I am. They will be in their own apartment, in college, possibly hours away from you. :( I hope I get to have little feet of my own someday :)

Jennifer Bacak said...

By the way, I put a link to your blog on mine. Hope that's okay.

Amanda said...

Yeah!! I love that I have a link on your blog...I feel like I am an official part of the "Bacak world"!!

And yes, I should be studying and not blogging...