Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The sweetest thing I've heard lately....

This morning, as I was walking to class, I was pleading with God. I have felt so restless and unsettled over the internship decision. I have prayed and sought an answer with all that I am, and only the silence answered me back. I was so discouraged last night that I almost lost it on my way to HOPE group. My heart has been hurting over this so badly. So I was walking and pleading this morning, and I heard the sweetest thing. Wait. Just hearing that voice after searching so long in the silence was incredible. It really is like water in a barren land. It does give life. I still don't have the kind of answer I was looking for, but I have a "for now" answer, and that is good!! Isn't our God good?! I love that HE sustains us in everything. Even waiting.

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