Friday, October 27, 2006

Happy Friday!!

Happy Friday! So glad it is finally here. I have company coming in for the weekend and studying to do, so I am sure it will go by all too quickly, as usual. Get excited!! Christmas is coming!! I have three gifts and some stocking stuffers left to buy. At least I already know what I am getting for the gifts and I have all of the gifts that I have already bought wrapped and labeled!! Whoop!! I am so excited!! And it seems like we might actually have a winter here this year! I bought some new flannel sheets today in anticipation of this. Very Exciting!! I was just contemplating possibly buying a REAL winter coat (which is extremely rarely necessary) but I would like to have one for future and if I get an opportunity to wear it once or twice this year, then so much the better. And I predict that I will get to wear my really cool, extremely long, maroon scarf too! I am really looking forward to that...Anyway, company's here so have a great weekend...I hope you get to sleep in cause I won't get to... :( Sad Day.... Night!

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