Saturday, June 09, 2007

It happened...

I just got the call I have been dreading for four years. The fact that I dread it now for different reasons than I did then, doesn't change the fact that I have hoped that it would't happen - yet. I guess I will explain. I just got a call from my brother. The call from my brother where he says...hey are you planning on going home on this certain specified date? The call where I say "no" and he says, "oh, cause I'm going to do it then." It took me about 2.5 seconds to figure out what the "it" was and that my travel plans were about to change. The it was something I had made clear to my brother I wanted to be there for. My brother was calling to tell me that he had set a date for the proposal. I can't tell you how my heart is breaking for my unsaved brother. My heart is breaking because I want God's best for him and I know he can't have that unsaved. My heart breaks even more when I know that on top of that he is going to try to build a marriage. A marriage in which I know he won't be the man he was created to be. A marriage that won't be God's best until they are both saved. I ache for all the greatness of God's plan that they are missing out on. I want my brother to have a great marriage full of all God's blessings. A marriage with joyful submission, a marriage where the husband is the biblical authority. A marriage where he is a man seeking God with his whole heart, above all else.

I know what my brother needs, above all else, is to be saved. Please pray with me for that regardless. Please pray that I can be joyful with my brother and family through this. Pray that I can love them and be Christ to them.


Jennifer Bacak said...

Don't fret Amanda. God holds him in His enormous hands, and I will await the day God brings him into a saving relationship! We just step up the believing and praying!! I'm with you, sister!

Amanda said...

What would I do without you Jenn?