Saturday, July 29, 2006

Pink!!! Gotta love it. Okay, so the count down has begun. This morning when I woke up, I had exactly 12 full days until I begin moving. Tomorrow I will have 11. This move seems to be quickly approaching and I am not ready!!! I know the move will go smoothly, but my mind has been on this for so long that the anticipation is getting dangerous. I am just ready for it to be over with. I want to be moved and settled and move on (no pun intended).
So I burned my hand on Wednesday taking lunch out of the oven. It hurts. So today, the first day I have gone without bandages, I got the bright idea to carry all of the groceries in at once. In my defense, it was only like 7 bags. So of course I load up and then have to pull them off my hands/arms when I finally get it. Now, common sense should have told me to take my time with the burn on my hand. Of course though, I didn't listen. I yanked the bags off and pulled a couple of chunks of burned skin off in the process. OWWWW!! I was not happy. I just hope it doesn't some how get infected. Although as much effort as I put into preventing that, hopefully it won't.
I have a really cute story from yesterday at work. One of the classes, (my 2nd favorite class), was doing a camping unit this week. As a treat for Friday, they made smores. This was all done safely I assure you. So these 3 year olds are sitting around eating smores. You can not imagine how adorable they were. Needless to say they were covered in chocolate and marshmallows. It was so sweet. They were funny!! anyway, I just had to share. I mean sweet, adorable 3 yr olds covered in smores is definately a warm fuzzy. Have a great night.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


I just wanted to say one more thing...I really, really, really wish I was in Boston right now. Okay, good night. I would say I love you, but I don't know you, so I won't. Just good night and sleep tight.

I don't know...

Hi. So I have several things on my mind, but not really anything I am wanting to post on the internet. Why take the time to type this then? Good question. I haven't figured that out either. I guess I am just looking for an outlet for some energy. I would really like to be asleep, but since I have company on the way, that doesn't seem to be a viable option. I am moving to my new apartment exactly two weeks from today. I become less sure of how I feel about this the closer the event gets. I have really liked living alone. It has been great. The only slight downside is the financial aspect. But even that isn't really an issue. I know I think I want to experience having a roommate as part of the college experince, but I am becoming less and less sure of myself. No, I don't particulalry like the apartment I am currently living in, but I do like living alone. This doesn't necessarily mean that I won't like living with a roommate, but I guess I still have qualms about it. I am sure it will turn out fine. :) So I am gonna go now. I hope you have the sweetest dreams.

Monday, July 24, 2006


Hey! So today was a Monday, but a good Monday. Stephanie and I have been doing pilates and I must say I definately felt it tonight while we were working out. Which is good. I wish I could just fast forward and see the results. Oh well. Anything worth doing is worth doing right, so I am going to do this the right way. I am excited about it. I am glad that I finally am making the commitment to do it. I think the best part of today though is that I am finally back on track with God. I am seeking His will not mine. At work today, people told me that I looked much less stressed than I had on Friday. That was good to hear. I am thankful for everything he has done for me. He is soo good. I know many people out there would say I'm just another "Bible thumper" or some brain washed Southern Baptist, but it is true. I'm sitting here listening to Rob Thomas and writing about God. Being a Christian doesn't have to mean being an uptight, penny pinching, hipocrite. It is supposed to be about being real, being loved and being free. He has saved me. I am unexpressibly thankful for that.
Anyway, I am have a lot to do before I can go to bed and I am tired (in a good "I worked out" kind of way) so I am going to get going. Sweet Dreams. Sleep tight.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Cami is so cute!

So yesterday I kept Cami and Gage while Steve and Wendy had a party. Cami and I were sitting on her bed with her babies who were "taking a nap". Here's the cute part of the conversation:

Me: "Are the babies still asleep?"
Cam: "Yes; but they will be up soon!"
Me:"Okay. What are they going to do when they get up?"
Cam:"They are going to play play-doh."
Me: "How fun. Who do they like to play play-doh with?"
Cam: "Me."
Me: "And who do you like to play play-doh with?"
Cam: "You."

So of course we played play-doh a bit later. And in the midst of this, cami looks at me does the hand sign for "i love you" and says "I love you" with this huge grin. Needless to say my heart was in puddles. I took her to the park last weekend and a few days before we went she told me "I went to the park with Mommy and Daddy and Gagey becuase I was a good girl. But I want to go with you. " It was a good thing we already had plans to go. I've been thinking about taking her again next weekend. If I don't take her next weekend then I probably will take her the next weekend. She is so great. Anyway, I just wanted to brag on her. Have a great day.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

It's Saturday!!! Whoop!

Gloria!!! It is a glorious Saturday once again. I got 12 hours of sleep last night and I must say I feel completely amazing. After lounging and a shower, I went shopping!!! Whoop!! And I went shopping for the most fun thing of all - school supplies!! :) Yea!!! I can not tell you how much fun I had. After grabbing lunch I came home to go through my stuff. Now I am cleaning up and getting ready to go keep Cam and Gage. It should be fun. I talked to Cami this morning and she said "Manda, we'll play little people and cards." Little people and cards. Okay?" She is the most adorable person ever. Anyway, I am gonna go brush so I can go see "my" babies. Have a most excellent Saturday!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

chick flicks

My Best Friend's Wedding is on tv. I am excited. Not really sure why since I own the movie, but I really like this movie. I know it doesn't really end happily, but I love the feel good moments. I love chick flick movies. And besides Dermot Mulroney is extremely attractive. "Some day, when I'm awfully low,When the world is cold,I will feel a glow just thinking of you" This is probably one of the greatest love songs ever written. In my opinion. Have a great night.

It's a Thursday!

Hi. So I went to the doctor this morning. After much poking, proding, swabbing and blood taking :( it was announced that I do not have strep throat or mono. I do however have some sort of a lovely virus. "Take some advil and rest" was the medicine I was given and it will be back to work tomorrow. I guess just too much going on wore me down. At least it is nothing serious. I am thankful for that. So on Tuesday one of my friends and I decided we are going to the Ranger game on September 16th. I am really excited about it. I love the Rangers. I love baseball. I mean it's America's favorite pasttime. How can you not love it? It is supposed to be a "double date" thing, so I have to find someone to go with me, but it will work out. I bought my sports pass on Monday. Aggie football here I come. I am really glad that most of the games are night games this year. Whoop!! Man, my throat hurts. I really hope it quits soon. But anyway, that is the update. I hope that you have a most amazingly incredible day.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Hey! I am back. I didn't get a nap earlier and I am definately getting sleepy. Hopefully I will sleep really well tonight and wake up feeling much better. I hope. So I am really writing because I realised that exactly one month from today is my birthday! I am very excited about this. It should be magnificent. Whoop!! I just got excited that it is only a month away, so I wanted to say something...Have a great night.

Ironic huh?

So the last two days I have been WAY stressed out at work. Yesterday afternoon on the way to work I was thinking "It would almost be worth it to get sick so that I could rest." This morning I woke up with strep throat. :( My temperature is staying at 95 degrees. I think this is kind of funny. Almost funny enough for me to laugh but not quite b/c then my throat would hurt. This is the first time that I have been sick (with something besides a cold) since I moved out of my parents house three years ago. I couldn't even tell you when I was sick the last time when I lived at home. So I guess it has been a pretty good run. I haven't had strep specifically in like 11 years, so yea me!!
Today for lunch I had the classic chicken noodle soup. For some reason it seemed a bit salty to me. So as I relay this to my mom just a moment ago she asks, did you put in a can of water? I can not tell you how stupid i felt. I could chalk it up to being sick but that isn't really a good excuse since I have known how to make soup since I was like 10. Okay, so I need a nap now, so I hope you have a great day!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

the park :)

Hello! So it is another glorious Saturday!! I didn't get to sleep in this morning, but that was okay because I did something better. I got up at eight and showered and dressed then went and put gas in my car. Then I went and picked Cami up and took her to the park. Make no mistake, it was HOT, but we had a great time. Normally I don't get too happy about going out side unless it feels REALLY nice out, or I am going to a Baseball game. But taking Cam made it alright. I pushed her on the swings and then we made a mess with chalk and bubbles, before hitting the slide and then revisiting the swings. It was great. I really enjoy spending time with her and Gage. They are such great kids! I really enjoy spending time with them. But anyways, I should go I have homework to do as well as some packing.... Have a great Saturday!!

Friday, July 14, 2006


Hey!! How was your day? Mine was a bit...crazy. Therefore I stayed in tonight to "recooperate". Which turned out not too bad b/c TCM is doing a "special" on movies about inner-city kids. I just watched Blackboard Jungle for the first time. It was very beneficial and mood lifting. Sometimes when I think about teaching in an inner-city school, I feel plauged by doubt about whether or not I will be able to successfully teach my students. I wonder, will I be effective? I hope so. I want to help my students, help them to be great people, to not just take the easy road, but to take the high road, the right road. But, knowing that if it is God's will that I be there, He will enable things to work out. Blackboard Jungle was a reminder that it can be done. Teachers can be successful in inner city schools. They just have to truly care and be willing to stay the course, to not give in or give up. Teaching in Boston will certainly be different from anything I have ever experienced. In so many ways. But I am soo excited about it. Anyway, have a great night!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

the circus life....

Last night I went to the Ringling Brothers and B.B. Circus. Seeing as how I hadn't been since I was two (on my 2nd birthday!) I was kind of expecting to be bored. But, I wasn't!!! It was great. I had a lot of fun with my friends. It was really a wonderful experience. I will definately be taking my children to the circus when I have kids. (some day)
Tonight I read a quote on a friends facebook "Right now, I'm so in love with God that nothing else matters." I'm not there. I want to be, but I am not. That makes me sad. The human part of me just wants to throw in the towel and forget it. The spirit within me is calling me to something higher, something holier. I don't know if any one out there has heard the illustration of the two dogs warring inside you....if you haven't you won't understand. My two natures are at war. My deepest desires are definatelty God given. I feel that within the core of who I am. I know these desires like an artist knows his work. Even when the shallow, worthless stuff gets in the way, I hear these longings calling out. "Deep calling deep" definately descibes this. You know, I don't know why I disregard seeking out what I know is truly valuable in life, mainly my salvation and sharing that with the people in my life. I guess the selfish part of me finds it easier to do things on my own, the way I want to do it. I am so headstrong and independent that I want to do things my way. I want them done on my time. I know that isn't how life works. But still I persist in my foolishness. There is nothing more to say, except that all that is left for me to get on my knees and confess. Then to allow the Lord to lead me back to where he wants me. I quite honestly thing I am truly terrified of this. But He is my life. I must trust Him.
What is interesting is that all of this introspection was brought about by a picture of someone I admire very much. Someone I have very little contact, but whom I am very much impressed by. That person will probably never know how much they have impacted me. I may never talk to them again, but I am thankful for the connection I have to them.
I hope that you have an amazing day.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hello Saturday!!

Good Morning! I am extremely happy to report that last night went incredibly well. Hannah was basically perfect. The evening was a piece of cake. And, the Rangers and the Red Sox both won with five run leads. Yea boys!! So basically, my perfect day did end perfectly. And I got paid for my time...All in all it was really good. I got home late and stayed up for a bit expecting to sleep late this morning. Unfortunately, after seven thirty, my sleep was really light and I fully woke up at nine thirty. I know that there are people out there that would roll their eyes at me and think about how incredibly pathetic I am...(especially since I am still wearing my robe...) but, I don't mind too much. As I have said before, Saturday mornings are life as it was intended. Saturday mornings are what gets me through the rest of the week. Anyway, I wanted to talk for a bit and I have. I hope that you have a great day.

Friday, July 07, 2006


So I took the day off today and it has been great so far!! I slept late, showered, did lunch with a friend, now I am watching some old school tv and then I might take a nap. After that maybe I will work on packing, but maybe not. Then I am going to babysit. Normally this would be a good end to a great day. I am not so sure about tonight. I am babysitting someone I haven't sat for before and I am afraid she might be a terror. So I am going to have a perfect day and then go off and do battle. Unfortunatley it won't be the perfect end to the perfect day, but at least I will get paid well for this. However, next weekend, I get to spend time with my favorite kids. :) I am taking Cami to the park one day next weekend and then sometime I will be keeping her and Gage so Steve and Wendy can go out. Okay, so this may be really wierd, but although Cami and Gage aren't technically mine, I love them like they are. Until I met Cami, I knew I loved kids, but I didn't know you could love anyone that much. She is awesome. And then Gage was born and I spent so much time taking care of him and although I love him in a different way, I still love him just as much as I love Cami. I have so much fun with them. I think I am beginning to understand what being a parent really is. You want the best for them, and even when they are at the worst, you love them unconditionally, no matter how frustrated you become. I know that moving so far away from Cami and Gage will be the hardest part of moving across the country. But anyway, I will love coming to see them and having them come to see me. I hope that your Friday is as amazing as mine has been. Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My Mom!!

So today, I have to brag on my Mom. She is really great. I love how she takes such great care of me and always goes WAY above and beyond. She is amazing. I remember when I was little and we would sit together and she would read to me all day, literally. She would read to me until she couldn't talk anymore. I love having a Mom that is always there for me. That is the kind of Mom I want to be for my kids. I want to stay home with them and love them and show them what a mom should be. That is what God intended when he made moms.

Sunday, July 02, 2006


Hey! So I should really be studying because I have a test tomorrow morning, but I don't want to. I haven't studied at all for this test because it is pointless and I find it very hard to motivate myself due to this fact. Grrr. I am so glad that this summer session is over tomorrow. I didn't know if it would ever end. But it finally has!! I have the day off on Tuesday before session two starts on Wednesday. Session two won't be nearly as bad as this session was. And then after that I move to my new apartment!! I am looking forward to that. It will be nice to get out of this one and to have the roommate experience before I am done with school and move to Boston!! Okay, so I am going to go to the library now and study :( Have a great day!!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Saturday Mornings :)

Good Morning! :) I just want to say how much I absolutely love Saturdays and Saturday mornings are the best part of Saturdays. I love that I can sleep until ten and then get up and lounge. Everyday should be a Saturday. Saturdays are the break from life that everyone is always looking for. Saturday mornings are life as it was meant to be. I used to have a job (for about 18 months) where I had to work EVERY Saturday and it nearly killed me. I firmly believe that no one should have to work on Saturday, unless they want to. (I'm not sure I know of too many people other than over achievers who actually want to work on Saturdays). Even now when I have a job that I absolutely love, I am really crazy about my job, I live for Saturdays. Now, it isn't so much my job that makes me itch for Saturdays, it is mostly school and the feeling that I will never finish. I can not wait until I graduate so that when I go to work I am at work and when I am at home I am at home. Now I go to school then to work and then come home and study and do homework. When I graduate I will go to work and then come home and be done. The most that I might bring home is some papers to grade. And I don't really forsee that as being a heavy burden. I am so excited about starting life in the real world. I am just looking for it to actually start. Anyway, for now, I hang onto to Saturday mornings...
Have a great day